Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Homeward Bound...Really This Time!

I spent three great days in Laughlin, except for the heat. It was in the upper 90s every day and the poor dogs had to spend all their time in the air-conditioned RV, except for a morning and evening walk. It cools off a lot at night, so that makes it more bearable. Also, there's no humidity, so it's much cooler in the shade. I didn't lose TOO much in the casinos, and the entertainment value was worth it.

I left yesterday morning and spent last night in Gallup, NM. An extreme temperature change...the temp was 30 degrees this morning! I drove across northern NM today; east of Albuquerque, it's not nearly as pretty as the rest of NM that I've visited.

I'm in Amarillo, TX now and it's the first time I've had an internet connection in almost a week, so thought I'd give everyone a quick update. I may be home by Thursday night, but should make it by Friday for sure. Hope the MN weather takes a turn for the better by the time I get home!

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