Thursday, January 18, 2007

The only thing hot about Mexico today was the food...

I arrived at the Mission, TX RV Park on Monday, and haven't hardly got out of the rig since. It rained all the way here from Brownsville, then turned bitterly cold (for Texas) that night. I got up several times during the night those first couple days to run the water through the pump so neither it nor the pipes would freeze. I draped my sleeping bag over Rave and Pacer's kennels so they wouldn't freeze, and cuddled up with Wink under the comforter. Taking the dogs out in the morning was a real treat! I got a kick out of the Mission newspaper yesterday: the weather forecast said, "High 38, Low 38." The really cold weather has passed, but now the rain's moving in again. I'm getting to read a lot and watch lots of TV on the only two channels available. (As though I couldn't do that if I were home!)

I went to the Park's pancake breakfast yesterday and met a very nice lady from Indiana who invited me to join her and her husband on their drive to Mexico today. He had a dentist appointment down there and she welcomed some walking-around company while he was in the chair. We walked around saying "No, thanks" about a thousand times to the vendors, had some coffee and a pastry at the panaceria, then visited one of the many pharmacies. Did you know you can get almost all your drugs without prescription in Mexico? That worked out well for me, since my doctor won't renew one of mine until I visit her again. I bought enough to last me until I get back in MN.

Don't know what's next on my itinerary, but keep checking in !

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