Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My First Post!

By popular request, I'm setting up this blog to keep friends, relatives, and fellow travelers informed as to my whereabouts, health and monetary situation. (Please send money! ;>) )

I chose the name of my blog because on my first trip, I left home intending to go straight south to LA, then east, eventually arriving in Florida before heading north to Atlanta. My second day, while reading US Today, I saw that major storms had just left TX and moved into LA, and would be continuing across the same southeastern states I was planning on visiting. I changed plans and went to TX for 10 days, then headed east when the weather cleared. It was too late to go to FL by then, so I visited my friend Gayle in Atlanta, then headed home.

Throughout my travels, I've continued to follow the weather maps as well as my spur-of-the-moment whims. That's the beauty of retirement and the RV lifestyle. No schedules, no itineraries, and no stress! (Well, almost no stress...those diesel prices can be hard to take!)

I'm going to be leaving home in early January and will be gone for a couple months, so please join me in my travels!


Big Brother said...

Hi Marty, Very good idea cause you sure do get around. Guess I've traveled enough in my life that I've gotten it out of my system, except for that regular trip to Florida. Will be watching for your posts.

Barb and Lisa said...

From a couple of fellow travelingirls...we are so happy that you are living your dream! Can't wait to follow along. Maybe you'll re-inspire us to hit the road again soon too. Hope to see you in San Diego before long. Safe travels! Hugs, Barb and Lisa

SeaGpsy said...

Hi M&M--Marty and Mutts
Carol and Lois are in the rainy lower Keys. They've had the rainiest ever Dec. Seems like the bad weather and winds and rain have been following me. We'll be here til 3rd and then head for Everglades and Ft. Myers area. Were will you be later in Jan or Feb. SeaGpsy

Big Brother said...

Marty seeing as your not home figured I'd get on here to wish you Happy Birthday. Never know where you are girl.